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Business Spotlights
Rose's Automotive
Ashland Ale House
Marathon Deli
Health Care Technologies


Why Underwriting?

Local access cable stations are non-profit businesses. Most of our revenue comes from a small percentage of the town’s cable subscribers, such as Comcast and Verizon, but we frequently reach the limits of our budget. One way local access cable stations can bring in more money is through underwriting, which is an announcement that plays on our multi-platform media outlet during events. Sponsoring sports games, for example, is a great way to promote your local business and support your local community media.



WACA TV offers two types of Underwriting Spots:


Business Spotlights

A business spotlight is a way for the local business community to connect with Ashland residents through television exposure. By supporting WACA TV, your business will get more recognition throughout the town of Ashland, plus your video will be seen online internationally. It will also enhance your image by showing how you support our community-oriented programming and events. The 3 to 5 minute spotlight will also be shown between segments in “Around the Clock.”


What is “Around the Clock”?

“Around the Clock” is a bi-monthly award-winning news program anchored by Yolanda Greaves that covers issues in Ashland, as well as the metro west area. Some of the major highlights include Ashland Day, the Boston Marathon, the Boston Ballet, the Ashland Farmer’s Market, school events, and the Ashland Community Theater.


How many types of business spotlights are there?

WACA TV offers 2 types of business spotlights. One is similar to a sports sponsorship; it is a 30-second spot and will be shown on our bulletin board and used as filler on the public channel. The other type is a 3 to 5-minute story highlighting your business through the use of a story. You are allowed to use either type of these spotlights on your own website or social media sites.


Sports Underwriting Spots

How can underwriting help my business?

By supporting WACA TV, your business will get more recognition throughout the town of Ashland, plus your video will be seen online internationally. It will also enhance your image by showing how you support our community-oriented programming and events. It is also the only way you can reach out to the townspeople via television exposure.


Why Ashland High School Sports?

Ashland High School sports are a big audience draw for us, and they draw lots of attention from town. People come together to watch the Clockers take on other towns in the Tri-Valley, as well as other leagues. On average this year, we’ve had about 2,000+ viewers during a live football game; but, the basketball season is even more popular and we are expecting even higher numbers. In the past, we’ve had famous guest announcers like Superintendent Jim Adams of the Ashland Public Schools, as well as Cory McGann, an Ashland High School guidance counselor.


How is this different than a Business Spotlight?

An underwriting spot during a sports game, or throughout a whole season, is a 30-second long piece that gives information about your business. It will be shown as part of the game and on our bulletin board that runs on the Live News channel.



If you would like more information, please send us an email!

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